MARCH 16 - 22, 2024
Love week is the last week of Hope California. It is a week of being led by the Holy Spirit in evangelism, acts of kindness, service, and generosity.
We are calling on laborers to California to be the hands and feet of Jesus for LOVE WEEK, the week before the Hope Fests. Become a part of the solution to a hopeless world, and join thousands bringing the HOPE of Jesus to the California. Whether you lead worship for a shift, deliver groceries and prayer to a struggling family, reach out to the hopeless in the center of the region, heal the sick or cast out demons on the ministry team, or simply help serve in the background… we need workers to help serve in every region.
If you're a pastor, youth pastor, or missions director, bring a missions team out to California to join Hope California's LOVE WEEK. Outreach teams will have opportunities to receive training, engage in daily worship, and prayer, go out into the neighborhoods to share the practical love and good news of Jesus, and invite people back to the local Hope Fest! Click this link to register as a group.
Give a generous tip
Pay for someone's meal
Mow your neighbors lawn
Pray for the clerk as you check out
Share the Gospel
Give unconditional love
Meet felt needs
Register to volunteer for your local Hope Fest!